
Enhance The Results Of Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns With Analytics Tracking


For many Hong Kong marketers and/or local small business owners, one of the most important aspects in digital marketing in HK has been to track the results of the marketing efforts that were spent on the internet. One of the best web analytics tools which is also free is Google Analytics. Assume your company website is a WordPress site. Installing or setting up Google Analytics (GA) should be an easy task given that GA has made it simple. You will need to have a Google Account to begin with. All you need is install a plugin and have it enabled on your WordPress site, and input your GA code ID. Now you are already ready to track the most basic behavior of any visitors who land on and browse your website.

Marketing on the internet whether it is for international markets or it is for a single local market such as Hong Kong is about reaching out to your potential customers and getting found by them. Depending on your few main traffic acquisition channels, you will always need to put your links out there. Whether it is social media sites/apps (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc), image search engines (e.g. Pinterest, etc), a few industry specific forums, question and answer sites (e.g. Quora, etc), search engines that provide paid search advertising (e.g. Google, Bing, etc), or more, you will always post your links out there, and will need a method to keep track of the clicks of the links.

For example, a website selling trendy fashion products to the Hong Kong local people or even consumers outside of HK (i.e. the neighbor countries) would make good use of Facebook, create a fan page, and build a fan base on Facebook, check facebook page marketing tips and other social media platforms. This is the social media marketing from within the overall digital marketing plan that is enhanced by proper content marketing. On the daily basis, the social media marketer of this fashion brand would publish a post on the Facebook fan page and another post on the timeline. Each post would contain a link that points back to the fashion website.

She (the social media marketer) needs a good method to keep track of the links that she has posted on the timeline and the fan page, per link per day. Being able to track each of the links individually enables her analytics program to gather the information. This information (or data insights) will help the business to decisions regarding how to prioritize their marketing efforts. This will let her know that she needs to create better content, post more of a certain type of content, or when exactly to post the content. Certainly great content will help the business increase trust and loyalty from many customers. Building loyalty from the audience is one great approach to ensure that they keep coming back.