
Top 5 Facts You Need to Know About Heading Remote Teams


All around the world, many people have been pushed out of their cubicles as well as office space. They are back into their homes, not for enjoying or vacationing, but to work. So, it means that managers need to be aware of the outs and ins of handling a remote team.

Managing A Team

You might be new to this so-called remote working. And leading a team remotely is somewhat a new function for managers. Currently, there are various team leaders and managers stuck with no idea of managing a team that is not physically present nearby but far away. For first-timers, it would be scary, but it is indeed a rewarding as well as a great experience.

How to Handle Your Team Remotely?

The following are the steps you can take to for tracking computer activity as well as the work procedures of your team.

1) Do A Daily Check-In

Whenever it is possible, try to go for a one-to-one session or at least a face-to-face video chat with your team members. Of course, you can try the phone, slack, and emails, but they are limited. Your team members need to see you and you also need to see them. In such cases, you can try Google’s Team Hangouts or Zoom.

2) Try to Go for Video Chat

Various studies show that more than half of human communication in today’s era is nonverbal. When you can’t see someone or your employees at the office, then trying to get a visual clue of what they are doing is great.

You might be trying to gauge their reactions when a plan is changed, or trying to find out the whole mood of the day, video calls are a great tool for that. Get free demo of video chat service providers or use Skype or Google Hangouts.

3) Take Care of Expectations

Always try to assist your team in figuring out the things they need to do. You should try to make sure that there is a realistic expectation for their work.

4) Provide Resources

Try to make sure that your team has the necessary resources to get the work done. In Secure Remote Access working, there is a huge need for laptops, software, and mobile devices.

5) Focus On Outcomes

Make sure to manage the activity and work hours rather than the outcome. When the team is distributed across various locations, it is all about time management.


In the current scenario, your team is going through a lot. So, being flexible can be a great way to show that you are with them. This will improve employee desktop monitoring software morale and productivity.