
How to Protect Your Business From Malware Attacks?


How often do you hear the news that so and so company was hacked and ended up losing millions of dollars? Well, we are sure that being in business, you must be aware of many such scams that keep doing rounds globally, affecting many businesses. When a company is attacked online, it faces the following problems. 

  • Identify theft of customers and employees. 
  • Financial frauds. 
  • Compromising the card details and wallet details of customers. 

In fact, it might actually surprise you that even giants like Google have faced such security attacks in the past. So, what did they actually do that such things didn’t repeat and the risk of being hacked reduced substantially? Well, the simple truth is that they started investing more into the cybersecurity branch in order to protect their assets. You can and must do the same since no company/business is safe from hackers; especially the ones that do not focus on adopting cybersecurity techniques. 

Nevertheless, if you don’t want to be the next business that was hacked, you must have a look at the guide below and the follow all the malware prevention techniques we have listed. However, before taking you through the techniques, we’d like to make a mention of the 2 kinds of malware attacks that hackers use most commonly. 

  1. Phishing
  2. Network scanning 

Having said that, have a look at the following 3 ways in which you can protect your system(s)/device(s) from malware. 

Let’s begin!

  1. Using Firewall and Firebreaks

Placing your system behind as many protection software units as possible is one of the most effective ways of reducing the chances of malware threat. 

  • When you use a firewall, it blocks suspicious websites and notifies you. 
  • When you use the fire breaking technique, every single network is split into many independent networks. So, if one network is hacked, the malware cannot use the infected network to enter the other networks. 
  1. Keeping the System(s) Clean

Bugs are the software vulnerabilities that hackers use to release malware in your system. And remember, every single software and app, even the firewall, has bugs. Which is why you should:

  • Uninstall old buggy software and apps from time to time. 
  • Install the system/software updates as soon as they are released.

These are the best ways to make sure that bugs don’t accumulate in your system. 

  1. Following Password Protection Techniques 

You can password protect your systems in the following ways. 

  • Making long unique passwords. 
  • Using a different password for all accounts/devices.
  • Not sharing the password with anyone. 
  • Using a password manager to store all the passwords. 

These are but a few malware prevention tips. You can explore more such tips here,