
When Should You Migrate from Shared Hosting to Cloud Hosting?


Usually, Shared Hosting is the first web hosting plan that most site owners choose. This is because it is easy to host your website on a Shared Server and the plans are cheaper than others. However, these plans have certain limitations, and as the website grows, site owners start looking for better alternatives. There are several options like Cloud Hosting, VPS Server Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting, etc. and choosing the right one can be a challenge. Every website has specific hosting requirements. If your site is hosted on a Shared Hosting plan, then here are some signs that indicate that you need to migrate to Cloud Hosting.

  1. The site traffic has increased

Shared Hosting plans are designed for websites with low-to-medium traffic. The shared resources start impacting the performance of the site if the traffic increases beyond a certain limit. The only way to ensure uninterrupted services is by ensuring that you make more resources available. In Cloud Hosting, you can seamlessly scale up your server resources in tune with the site growth, ensuring that the spike doesn’t interfere with the site performance. This makes it ideal for businesses that need a flexible hosting platform which can be scaled up with their business growth.

  1. The ‘Bad Neighbor’ problem

Since you share the resources and the hosting environment with many websites, one ‘bad neighbor’ can affect your site’s performance. If one site gets infected, then all other sites stand the risk of being infected. Also, if one site owner earns a bad reputation with the search engines, then all sites on the server can get blacklisted. With Cloud Hosting, you will never have the problem of a bad neighbor.

  1. You need better site speed

Online users and search engines don’t like slow websites. A site that takes long to load loses customers and brand reputation. If your business is suffering due to a slow page loading speed, then you need to find what is causing the slow speed. If hosting is the issue, then you might want to upgrade your hosting plan. Cloud Hosting providers usually integrate caching and CDN to boost your site speed by up to 1000x.

  1. Site security

A website that is not secure is also detrimental to business and reputation. While Shared Hosting providers ensure maximum security of the server, the fact that multiple websites share the resources causes security concerns among site owners. If you are concerned about the security of your website, then you can consider migrating to Cloud Hosting. Cloud Hosting employs advanced data redundancies to ensure that your website data is protected at all times. Also, most web hosting providers deploy the latest security tools with their Cloud Hosting plans and take preventive measures to keep your site secure.

Summing Up

If your site is functioning optimally on the Shared Hosting plan, then there is no need to look at other hosting services. Even if you are facing any roadblocks, try to find the reasons behind them. If the hosting type seems to be at the root of the issues faced by you, then you can start considering migrating to a higher hosting platform.