Link Building is still critical for SEO! Here is how to handle it in 2022.


Link building is considered to be the golden goose for websites. Every website tries to excel at it. And although some websites make it to the top of SERP, most do fail terribly. The reason? Lack of knowledge around link building. Those who take help from link building services survive the digital turmoil. But those without the budget to invest in what is required fail. We spoke to about what should one know regarding SEO and link building. It said that things are simple; we make them complex.

So, how should you handle link building to help your SEO and SERP dreams?

Doing Link Building for SEO the right way!

As DWL told us, things are simple, we make them complex with our greed and lack of knowledge. And indeed, when we look at how people handle their link building, we find the situation to be terrible. People believe that link building means dropping the links to your website across the internet. They think that the more your drop links, the better for the website’s growth. What they do not know is that there are certain rules and guidelines around how to do it.

These tactics of dropping the links were too famous in the early years of the internet. People knew that Google considers backlinks to be an indication of fame and thus ranks the website higher. And so they started turning too-smart (like too much). People were spamming the comment section across the internet. It was free to comment, so they were commenting about their websites. There were youtube videos about how to make pancakes, and on those videos were comments having the URL of lingerie websites. Also, people were dropping all sorts of links on directories, emails, and whatnot. But then Google came with its Penguin update and all this changed.

If you look now, link building has turned too strict for any manipulative methods. This is the reason big companies and startups hire Link Building Services to get the required expertise. But what if you want to do it yourself? Here are some great tips from on how to handle link building to excel at SEO!

1 – Understand the link-building thing first!

They say that clarity brings prosperity. The most confused and misunderstood thing about link building is link building itself. People think that it is about creating links of the website with other websites to make it more connected to the internet. The purpose of link building, to be true, is to create an expert network of related and relevant things. If you are dropping a link to another website in your blog post, the purpose should be to provide some value to your users.

The fundamentals behind link building are the same as how we socialize in real life. We try to gain expertise in life through those who already hold mastery in our field. When they speak about us in the public, they knowingly or unknowingly pass on the authority. We are more likely to believe in a chef if Thomas Keller speaks about that chef rather than if a common restaurant or baseball player. The same way, we want to create backlinks with relevant websites. When niche websites place a link to our websites, they speak about us and thus pass the authority to us. We call this authority Link Juice. This is why it gets recommended to get backlinks from niche websites with high DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority) scores. It helps us gain authority value. For example, If you are a sports website, try getting one backlink from ESPN rather than 10 backlinks from poor-quality websites.

2 – Focus on earning backlinks!

The next thing you’d want to aim for is to earn backlinks. Backlinks that we get naturally are best for a website. And the finest way to earn backlinks naturally is to focus on content quality.

They say that content is the king, and for all the right reasons. Google has become stronger and has the ability to evaluate content quality. It uses techniques like NLP, A.I., Machine Learning, Semantics, etc. Therefore, you won’t be able to make to the top of SERP in the modern age internet without having exceptional quality content, said .

There is an additional benefit of writing quality content. When people read really good quality content, they are likely to share it on their own platforms. This will get to get natural backlinks. And we all know how natural backlinks are the best backlinks one can have.

Here are a few things you would want to do to earn natural backlinks –

  • Write exceptional quality content that is engaging and interesting.
  • Use shareable elements like infographic images, videos, quotations, etc. People love sharing even smaller pieces if they find them to be good.
  • Focus on User Intention. Do not lose focus in the article or content. Serve what you claim in the title.

3 – Try getting backlinks!

Natural backlinks are great, but you’d never want to rely on them alone. These backlinks come gradually. It is a slow process. And this slow process is not feasible in this highly competitive world where things change every day. If you rely only on natural links, your competitor might invest in hiring some best link building service around and get some more higher-quality backlinks. Whom do you think will Google rank higher on SERP? Your website with fewer backlinks (natural alone) or your competitor’s with more high-quality backlinks (natural and gained)?

It is a grey area but all the companies invest in it. It is required because the competition is brutally tough and businesses try to gain even the slightest edge they can with some investment.

Thus, if you have a business that you want to see growing and thriving in the future, do not just rely on natural links. They will dishearten your business.

4 – Follow link building strategies!

Getting high-quality backlinks is not an easy task to excel at. But we have the situation and the ship must be sailed ashore with efforts.

If you are not investing in link building services due to a limited budget, you’d want to take on the helm and guide the ship. Here are some of the link building strategies you must focus on –

  • Guest posting
  • Broken link building
  • Competitor’s analysis and capture
  • Blogger outreach
  • Getting interviewed

Know that you must not spam the comment section over the internet. It won’t serve you any benefits but will eat your time alone. has been helping businesses for years to rank on search engines and have a boost in revenue. Consult them for free to understand what your business needs.