
Link Building through Rebranding Efforts


In the present market set up, branded products outsell non-branded items because brands represent a concept, and people buy up the branded products hoping and believing that the brand will deliver what the concept it stands for. Businesses build their brands so consciously that they put their corporate ethos, values, concepts and philosophies into their brand in the form of brand names, brand images, product designs, website banners, website layouts, brand taglines, product names, website domain name, and everything and everywhere possible.

Not enough, through their social media profile images and cover pictures, the brands want to reveal their identities and prove a point or two. Brands create brand identities in multiple forms and let them represent the brands. Brands try to establish their image or personality through themes, symbols and certain colour combinations for easy recognition, long-term identification and instant connection. Even older businesses but without having a strong brand identification are also joining the brand bandwagon in order to join the marketing race. Better late than never for them. Lest they go into oblivion. Rebranding is the way forward for brands that are not impressive or those lacking uniformity across its brand identities. In fact, these brand’s identities lack identity. For such brands, it is a wake up time and they have to cling on to the new reality of branding and digital marketing. These brands have to reorganize their branding, ideas and thoughts, and promote their brands with unique designs and unified approach in all forms of digital advertising and marketing.

If all the brand identities work uniformly and have a common pattern that reflects the brand’s personality, the Link Building process goes coherently and benefits the brand. To consult the best Digital Branding and Link Building experts, check with Link Building services, USA.

Process of Rebranding

The process of rebuilding is nothing but redesigning the entire spectrum of brand identities of a business and bringing them all under a common and umbrella theme with uniformity, connectivity, identity, coherence and commonalities among these branding items. For example, if the brand colour for a particular business is orange, but it uses different colours for different occasions, platforms and items, then the brand does not have cohesiveness and uniformity between the main brand identity (logo), and its various other identities. The brand has to use the same theme and colour for all of its brand exhibits, promotions and platforms and maintain uniformity. If it is using a classical theme, but presenting itself as a modernized theme, the brand is not easily recognised. PerfectLinkBuilding is one of the best Link Building companies that you can try to implement rebranding.

Changing Appeals & Appearances 

You can rebrand your online brand identity by changing the feel and appearances of those identities in line with your brand theme. Those can be colours of your website layout, website banners across pages, website link texts and colours, social media identities like social media theme, profile pictures and cover pictures, blog page appearance, positioning and background colours, etc. This will help you with a huge number of backlink clicks to your website without much effort on your side because your potential customers and readers will be able to recognise your brand instantly.  Your brand identities speak for you and let them click your links and take actions.

Renewing Pages & Links

You can renew all your website and other pages like social media pages and all the links there as part of your remarketing efforts to ensure clarity and uniformity between your online brand identities.

Creating New Content & Identities

Rebranding not only restricted to colours and themes of your brand that are visually appealing but also to all types of text content that represent your brand like brand names, product names, keywords, hashtags, taglines, slogans, headers and titles of web pages, articles, white papers, website menu, keyword phrases, descriptions and narrations. So, when you write each piece of content either for your social media profiles or About Us page for your website, give proper attention in such a way that each of these text contents represents your brand well and reflects its personality.

Using New Platforms & Methods

When you choose any platforms and methods to promote your brands to rebrand your business, choose them suitably because the platforms themselves will tell you a lot about your business. So, choose platforms that suit your brand business model and brand identity.

Creating New Content Calendar

You can create a content calendar so that you can do advance planning for each piece of content so that rebranding efforts are not messed up and they do not lose original intention.

Publishing Refreshing Posts

If your older posts are not really producing desired results for your Link Building process, create and publish new and refreshing posts in line with your refreshed and refurbished brand identity with new images, titles and approaches.

Connecting New & Reconnecting Existing Audiences

The advantage of rebranding in the Link Building process is your ability to connect to new audiences and get connected to them. And at the same time, you can get reconnected to existing audiences who will identify your brand and love to engage with your improved brand identities.


Rebranding helps your Link Building efforts by appealing to more audiences and enticing them to see your renewed and refurbished brand content, and click links so that your website’s SEO and Domain Authority improve.